Here you will find some in-depth tutorials on specific topics. These tutorials differ from our other guides because they cover a topic from end to end. However, they will often refer to other existing guides where appropriate.
- Requirements
- Integrations
- Guides
- JMESPath
- Data Transformation
- Add
- Add_time
- Append
- Calculate
- Current_time
- Datasource
- Distinct
- Distinct_by
- Divide
- Format
- Get_property
- Get_rest_api
- Group_adjacent
- Has_value
- If
- Items
- Join_hide
- List_join
- List_range_fill
- Merge
- Multiply
- Numbered_props_to_array
- Parent
- Replace
- Safe_mode
- Safe_not_null
- Service
- Split
- Split_on
- String_interpolate
- Substring
- Subtract
- Take_or_default
- Template
- To_datetime
- To_dictionary
- To_lower
- To_number
- To_titlecase
- To_sentencecase
- To_upper
- Bindings
- Platform
- Tutorials
- API reference
- Architecture
- Security
- Support
- Reference