Our implementation of JMESPath supports all of the following functions defined in the official specification:
- abs
- avg
- ceil
- contains
- ends_with
- floor
- join
- keys
- length
- map
- max
- max_by
- min
- min_by
- not_null
- reverse
- sort
- sort_by
- starts_with
- sum
- to_array
- to_string
- type
- values
For further detail, see the official JMESPath specification.
The function to_number is also supported, but have had extra arguments added and will be documented below.
number add(number $left, number $right)
Adds $left and $right together.
Expression | Result |
add(`3`, `4`) | 7 |
add(`3.0`, `4`) | 7 |
add(`3.5`, `4`) | 7.5 |
add(`-3.5`, `4`) | 0.5 |
add('3', `4`) | Error |
add([`0`, `1`], `2`) | Error |
array append(array $input, any $items)
Appends $items to the end of the $input array.
Expression | Result |
append([`1`, `2`, `3`], `4`) | [1, 2, 3, 4] |
append([`1`, `2`], `3`, `4`) | [1, 2, 3, 4] |
append([`1`, `2`], ['c', 'd']) | [1, 2, "c", "d"] |
append([`1`, `2`, `3`], `null`) | [1, 2, 3, null] |
append('str', `4`) | Error |
number calculate(string $expression, object $variables)
Executes a given mathematical formula using the provided variables.
Note: A variable can only be of type: number.
- Addition: +
- Subtraction: –
- Multiplication: *
- Division: /
- Modulo: %
- Exponentiation: ^
- Negation: !
Base functions
Function | Arguments | Description |
sin | sin(a1) | Sine |
cos | cos(a1) | Cosine |
asin | asin(a1) | Arcsine |
acos | acos(a1) | Arccosine |
tan | tan(a1) | Tangent |
cot | cot(a1) | Cotangent |
atan | atan(a1) | Arctangent |
acot | acot(a1) | Arccotangent |
loge | loge(a1) | Natural logarithm |
log10 | log10(a1) | Logarithm with base 10 |
logn | logn(a1, a2) | Logarithm |
sqrt | sqrt(a1) | Square root |
if | if(a1, a2, a3) | IF a1 IS true THEN a2 ELSE a3 |
max | max(a1, …, a_n) | Maximum |
min | min(a1, …, a_n) | Minimum |
avg | avg(a1, …, a_n) | Average |
median | median(a1, …, a_n) | Median |
round | round(a1) | Round |
random | random() | Generate a random double value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
Expression | Result |
calculate('a+b', {"a": 10, "b": 20})
calculate('a+b', {"a": '10', "b": '20'}) | 30.0 |
calculate('a+b', {"a": 10.5, "b": 20})
calculate('a-b', {"a": 10, "b": 20}) |
calculate('(a+b)*10', {"a": 10, "b": 20})
calculate('sin(a)*3', {"a": 45}) | 2.552.. |
calculate('(10+20)/10', null) | 3.0 |
calculate('a+b', null)
calculate('a+b', {})
calculate('10+b', {"b": 'aSimpleString'})
datetime current_time(number|string $offset)
Gets the current time in UTC as a datetime object and adds $offset hours to it. There is no limit for $offset, so it possible to add 30 days. The $offset argument can be a double, but will be converted to an integer. If $offset is a string, it must have an integer format.
For the examples of this function, we assume that the current time is 2021-02-19T12:00:00Z
Expression | Result |
current_time(`0`) | 2021-02-19T12:00:00Z |
current_time('0') | 2021-02-19T12:00:00Z |
current_time(`1`) | 2021-02-19T13:00:00Z |
current_time(`-1`) | 2021-02-19T11:00:00Z |
current_time(`24`) | 2021-02-20T12:00:00Z |
current_time(`0.5`) | 2021-02-19T12:00:00Z |
current_time('0.5') | Error |
json_object datasource(string $dataSource, string $column, string $value)
Fetches data from the specified $dataSource, filtering by $value lookup in $column.
array distinct(array $input)
Removes duplicated items from the $input array based on token equality.
"input": [
{ "name": "Bob", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Ann", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Joe", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "Joe", "id": 1 }
{ "name": "Bob", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Ann", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Joe", "id": 1 }
array distinct(array $input, &key_function)
Removes duplicated items from the $input array based on the key defined by $key_function.
"inputA": [
{ "name": "Bob", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Ann", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Joe", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "Xavier", "id": 1 }
"inputB": [
{ "name": "Bob" },
{ "name": "Ann", "id": 0 },
{ "name": "Joe" },
{ "name": "Xavier", "id": 1 }
Expression | Result |
distinct_by(inputA, &id) | [{ "name": "Bob", "id": 0 }, { "name": "Joe", "id": 1 }] |
distinct_by(inputB, &id) | [{ "name": "Ann", "id": 0 }, { "name": "Xavier", "id": 1 }] |
distinct_by(`[]`, &id) | [] |
distinct_by(`null`, &id) | null |
distinct_by(`{}`, &id) | Error |
number divide(number $left, number $right)
Divides $left by $right.
Expression | Result |
divide(`2`, `4`) | 0.5 |
divide(`4`, `2`) | 2 |
divide(`4.0`, `2`) | 2 |
divide(`-4`, `2`) | -2 |
divide('4', `2`) | Error |
divide([`0`, `1`], `2`) | Error |
string format(number|string|datetime $data, string $format, string $culture)
Formats the input $data into a string following the rules defined by $format and $culture.
$format is expected as a composite formatting string to use for parsing.
$culture should be a language culture name, based on ISO-639-1 (ie. ‘en-US‘, ‘es-ES‘). If it is null or an empty string, then invariant culture is used.
The function is similar to the following C# code.
string.Format(new CultureInfo($culture), $"{{0:{$format}}}", $data);
Expression | Result |
format(`0.555`, 'f', 'en-US') | '0.555' |
format(`0.555`, 'F2', 'en-US') | '0.56' |
format(to_datetime('02-19-2021', 'MM-dd-yyyy', 'en-US'), 'g', 'en-US') | '2/19/2021 12:00 AM' |
format(to_datetime('02-19-2021', 'MM-dd-yyyy', 'en-US'), 'yyyy-MM-dd', 'en-US') | '2021-02-19' |
format(to_datetime('3. maj, 2021', 'd. MMM, yyyy', 'da-DK'), 'd. MMM, yyyy', 'en-US') | '3. May, 2021' |
format([`0`], 'd', 'en-US') | Error |
any get_property(json_object $object, string $key)
Returns the Value for the property with name $key in the JSON $object.
Compared to the dot accessor (“.”), get_property
allows you to provide a string
instead of “knowing” the property name beforehand (ie. object.property
vs get_property(object, "property")
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Age": 30,
"Status": {
"Enabled": true
"Roles": [
Expression | Result |
get_property(input, "FirstName") | "John" |
get_property(input, "Age") | 30 |
get_property(input, "Status") | {"Enabled": true} |
get_property(input, "Roles") | ["User", "Admin"] |
json_object get_rest_api(string $baseUri, json_object $uriParameters, boolean $throwOnError)
Sends a GET request to the specified $baseUri using $uriParameters to fill out its query, and returns a JSON with the result.
The $baseUri parameter should present its query portion as placeholders, akin to string_interpolate.
In case of failure, the $throwOnError flag determines whether to allow the error to reach JMES (true) or just return null
{ "userId": 123456 },
array group_adjacent(array $entry, &groupExpression)
Groups adjacent elements of an input array based on &groupExpression. The functions returns an array of arrays, where each nested array contains grouped entries of $entry.
"entry": [
{ "a": "foobar", "id": 1234},
{ "a": "foo", "id": 56789},
{ "a": "bar", "id": 56789},
{ "a": "baz", "id": 1234},
{ "a": "foo-bar", "id": 1234}
group_adjacent(entry, &id)
{ "a": "foobar", "id": 1234 }
{ "a": "foo", "id": 56789 },
{ "a": "bar", "id": 56789 }
{ "a": "baz", "id": 1234 },
{ "a": "foo-bar", "id": 1234 }
bool has_value(any $entry)
Returns an indication of whether or not $entry has a value, based on the following critera:
- $entry is a boolean and its value is true.
- $entry is a string and it is not null nor has the value ‘false’.
- $entry is a number and is greater than 0.
- $entry is not null.
Expression | Result |
has_value(`true`) | true |
has_value(`null`) | false |
has_value('') | false |
has_value('false') | false |
has_value('foo') | true |
has_value(`0`) | false |
has_value(`1`) | true |
input = {"a": 'foo'}, has_value(input.a) | true |
input = {"a": 'foo'}, has_value(input.b) | false |
any if(any $condition, any $trueValue, any $falseValue)
Similar to its Excel counterpart, if
returns $trueValue if $condition is true and otherwise returns $falseValue.
The evaluation for $condition follows the same rules as for has_value.
Expression | Result |
if(`true`, '1', '0') | '1' |
if(`false`, '1', '0') | '0' |
if('foo', '1', '0') | '1' |
if(`null`, '1', '0') | '0' |
if([`0`, `1`], '1', '0') | '1' |
array items(json_object $object)
Converts the JSON $object into an array of its properties, where each is broken into an array of 2: its name and its value.
"obj": {
"name1": "value1",
"name2": "value2"
[ "name1", "value1" ],
[ "name2", "value2" ]
string join_hide(string $separator, string[] $arr)
Concatenates the elements of $arr, using the specified $separator between each. Whitespace or null strings in $arr are ignored.
Returns an empty string if any parameter is invalid.
Expression | Result |
join_hide(",", ["1", "2", "3"]) | "1,2,3" |
join_hide("", ["This", "is", "joined"]) | "Thisisjoined" |
join_hide("\n", ["Line1", "Line2"]) | "Line1 Line2" |
join_hide(`null`, ["a", "b"]) | "ab" |
join_hide("", `null`) | “” |
array list_join(array $leftArray, array $rightArray, &leftEvaluateBy, &rightEvaluateBy)
Groups the two input lists on each their expression followed by joining the two grouped lists with respect to the selected evaluation criteria. Entries that do not have matching keys, either in $leftArray or $rightArray, are shown in the result with no matching counterpart.
Returns a joined list with entries: index, list of entries from the $leftArray and a list of entries from the $rightArray for each possible combination from the join.
From the following data as inputJson
"people": [
{ "name": "foo", "teamId": 1 },
{ "name": "bar", "teamId": 1 },
{ "name": "baz", "teamId": 2 },
{ "name": "foobar", "teamId": 3 }
"teams": [
{ "name": "foo-bar-team", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "baz-team", "id": 2 },
{ "name": "baz-team-2", "id": 2 },
{ "name": "foobar-team-10", "id": 10 }
list_join(inputJson.people, inputJson.Teams, &teamId, &id)
Would give us the following result:
"__index": 0,
"left": [
{ "name": "foo", "teamId": 1 },
{ "name": "bar", "teamId": 1 }
"right": [
{ "name": "foo-bar-team", "id": 1 }
"__index": 1,
"left": [
{ "name": "baz", "teamId": 2 }
"right": [
{ "name": "baz-team", "id": 2 },
{ "name": "baz-team-2", "id": 2 }
"__index": 2,
"left": [
{ "name": "foobar", "teamId": 3 }
"right": [ ]
"__index": 3,
"left": [],
"right": [
{ "name": "foobar-team-10", "id": 10 }
array list_range_fill(array $entry, int &keySelector, int &stepFunction, &constructor)
Takes a list of items containing (string)name and (integer)value, and fills missing values between $entry values. The &keySelector expression points to the value element in $entry. The &stepFunction expression is used to calculate the next values. If &keySelector and &stepFunction does is not integers an error is returned. The functions orders $entry numerically and alphabetically.
The constructor is used when filling elements in the returned list. It consists of three elements:
: the previous item from the input list. This is only used for the second item of $entry onwards. It contains Name and Value of this item.__next
: the next item from the input list, e.g. on element two, this will point to element three. It contains Name and Value of this item.__key
: the calculated value from using &stepFunction.
Filling elements in the return list is performed iteratively. The first iteration initiates the list, and defines __previous as the first item in $entry and __next as the second item in $entry. __key is updated using &stepFunction for each iteration, until __key equals the value of __next. __previous is then defined as __next and __next as the next item in $entry (if any).
The function returns an array of items that consists of:
: Name of the previous item in $entry.previousValue
: Value of the previous item in $entry. This field is only provided when Value (see below) is between two values in $entry.nextValue
: Value of the next item in $entry. This field is only provided when Value (see below) is between two values in $entry.Value
: Current value, as either calculated by &stepFunction or initialized by the first item in $entry.
From the following expression based on input data input
list_range_fill(input, &Value, &add(@,`1`), &{Name:__previous.Name, previousValue:__previous.Value, nextValue:__next.Value, Value: __key})
We get the following correct result on Integer value
{ "Name": "A", "Value": 2015 },
{ "Name": "B", "Value": 2017 },
{ "Name": "C", "Value": 2020 }
{ "Name": "A", "Value": 2015 },
{ "Name": "A", "Value": 2016, "previousValue": 2015, "nextValue": 2017 },
{ "Name": "B", "Value": 2017 },
{ "Name": "B", "Value": 2018, "previousValue": 2017, "nextValue": 2020 },
{ "Name": "B", "Value": 2019, "previousValue": 2017, "nextValue": 2020 },
{ "Name": "C", "Value": 2020 }
If our input had string values instead, we would get an error:
{ "Name": "A", "Value": "2015" },
{ "Name": "B", "Value": "2017" },
{ "Name": "C", "Value": "2020" }
json_object merge(args[]:json_object $objects)
“Merges” the JSON $objects into a single one, following a concatenation (arrays/objects) or replacement (values) logic in order of the arguments provided.
"PersonalInfo": {
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Age": 30
"UserInfo": {
"Enabled": false,
"Roles": [
"NewUserInfo": {
"Enabled": true,
"Roles": [
merge(@.PersonalInfo, @.UserInfo)
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Age": 30,
"Enabled": false,
"Roles": [
merge(@.PersonalInfo, @.UserInfo, @.NewUserInfo)
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Age": 30,
"Enabled": true,
"Roles": [
json_object replace_properties(object $object, object $properties, boolean $insertOnMissing)
Acts very similarly as merge
but is able to replace null
values in objects, where the merge function will preserve the original value.
"ArticleInfo": {
"date": "6/2/2021",
"publication": "TheMagazine",
"article-title": "A title",
"reporter-name": "John Doe"
//Note here we cannot replace the value in reporter-name with null
testMerge: merge(ArticleInfo, {"reporter-name": `null`}),
//Here, we can replace reporter-name with null.
//Note also here that it is possible for us to add a value that is not present in the object (the "NewValue1" object).
//This is because "insertOnMissing is set to `true`.
testReplace: replace_properties(ArticleInfo, {"reporter-name":`null`, NewValue1: 'Test Value'}, `true`),
//Here "insertOnMissing" is set to `false` and we cannot insert the value "NewValue2"
testReplaceFalse: replace_properties(ArticleInfo, {"reporter-name":`null`, NewValue2: 'Not inserted'}, `false`)
"testMerge": {
"date": "6/2/2021",
"publication": "TheMagazine",
"article-title": "A title",
"reporter-name": "John Doe"
"testReplace": {
"date": "6/2/2021",
"publication": "TheMagazine",
"article-title": "A title",
"reporter-name": null,
"NewValue1": "Test Value"
"testReplaceFalse": {
"date": "6/2/2021",
"publication": "TheMagazine",
"article-title": "A title",
"reporter-name": null,
"NewValue1": "Test Value"
number multiply(number $left, number $right)
Multiplies $left with $right.
Expression | Result |
multiply(`3`, `4`) | 12 |
multiply(`3.0`, `4`) | 12 |
multiply(`3.5`, `3`) | 10.5 |
multiply(`-3.5`, `3`) | -10.5 |
multiply('3', `4`) | Error |
multiply([`0`, `1`], `2`) | Error |
array numbered_props_to_array(json_object $object)
Get a new array of objects based on the properties from the JSON $object, where each name is considered to have an explicit (or implicit) ordering representation that defines its resulting position in the array.
This order index is taken from the name’s suffix, which is considered 0 when absent.
ie.: "Name"
-> "Name"
, 0
/ "NameIndex9"
-> "NameIndex"
, 9
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c"
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c"
"a": "0",
"b1": "b",
"c2": "c2",
"c1": "c",
"a2": "a2"
"a": "0"
"b": "b",
"c": "c"
"c": "c2",
"a": "a2"
json_object parent(any $entry)
Returns the first json object that is a parent of $entry.
If $entry has no object as an ancestor, null
is returned.
Given | Expression | Result |
{ "a": 1 } | parent(a) | { "a": 1 } |
{ "a": { "b": 1 } } | parent(a.b) | { "b": 1 } |
{ "a": [ { "b": 1 }, { "b": 2 } ], "c": 3 } | a[*].{ c: parent(@).c, b: b } | [{ "c": 3, "b": 1 },{ "c": 3, "b": 2 }] |
[0, 1] | parent([0]) | null |
{ } | parent(`null`) | null |
string replace(string $input, string $old, string $new)
Replace $old ocurrences in $input with $new.
Expression | Result |
replace("This is wrong!", "wrong", "correct") | "This is correct!" |
replace("Line1\nLine2", "\n", "") | "Line1Line2" |
replace("-We-Hate-Hyphens-", "-", `null`) | "WeHateHyphens" |
safe_mode(input, &expression)
Use safe_mode function and stay on safe side if there is any exception in the transformation block send as “input” parameter.
The function changes the behavior of exceptions to return null and not result in an invalid transformation.
any safe_not_null(any $entry, &expressions[])
Similar to a COALESCE
function, safe_not_null
evaluates $entry against a set of expressions, returning on the first one that provides a non-null answer.
More specifically, $entry is used as input data, which would define the “scope” available for the evaluation of each expression (see example provided).
In the case of unsuccessful evaluation (i.e. all expressions evaluate to null or fail), it returns null
{ "str": "Take this and not this" }
safe_not_null(@, &to_number(@.str, 'en-UK'), &substring(@.str, `0`, `9`), &has_value(@.str))
'Take this'
json_object service(string $service, string $operation, any $payload)
Fetches data from an external service by calling a Connected $Service
‘s $operation
with $payload
For operations utilizing GET, $payload must be a flat key/value object.
json_object split(array $input, integer $count)
Splits $input into two arrays “first” and “last”, one with $count elements and the other with all the elements left.
If $count = 0, then “first” would contain all the elements in $input.
If $count > 0, then “first” would take only the first $count elements.
If $count < 0, then “last” would be the one to fill first.
Expression | Result |
split([1, 2, 3], `2`) | { "first": [1, 2], "last": [3] } |
split([1, 2, 3], `-1`) | { "first": [2, 3], "last": [1] } |
split([1, 2, 3], `0`) | { "first": [1, 2, 3], "last": [] } |
array split_on(string $input, boolean $ignore_empty, args[]:string $separators)
Simliar to a string.Split
in many programming languages, split_on
breaks down the string $input into an array using the string separators provided as parameters, with the flag $ignore_empty defining whether “empty” strings are included (false) or not (true).
Data | Expression | Result |
{ "a": 'ab\n\ncd' } | split_on(a, `true`, `"\n"`) | ["ab", "cd"] |
{ "a": 'ab\n\ncd' } | split_on(a, `false`, `"\n"`) | ["ab", "", "cd"] |
{ | split_on(a, `true`, b, c) | ["ab", "cd", "ef"] |
{ } | split_on('AabBaC', `true`, 'a', 'ab') | ["A", "B", "C"] |
string string_interpolate(string $input, array|object $parameters)
Similar to operations like format
or print
, interpolate
replaces the positional tokens in $input with the $parameters given, matching by index (array) or property name (object).
Expression | Result |
string_interpolate('Hello, {0}!', ["World"]) | "Hello, World!" |
string_interpolate('Hello, {name}!', {"name": 'World'}) | "Hello, World!" |
string substring(string $text, integer $index, integer $length)
Returns a substring of $text, starting at $index and up to $length characters or until the end of $text. If $text is null, the function will return null
If $index is greater than the length of $text, the function will return an empty string.
Expression | Result |
substring('FooBar', `0`, `6`) | 'FooBar' |
substring('FooBar', `0`, `10`) | 'FooBar' |
substring('FooBar', `0`, `3`) | 'Foo' |
substring('FooBar', `3`, `3`) | 'Bar' |
substring('FooBar', `10`, `3`) | '' |
substring(`null`, `0`, `3`) | null |
number subtract(number $left, number $right)
Subtracts $right from $left.
Expression | Result |
subtract(`3`, `4`) | -1 |
subtract(`3.0`, `4`) | -1 |
subtract(`3.5`, `4`) | -0.5 |
subtract(`-3.5`, `4`) | -7.5 |
subtract('3', `4`) | Error |
subtract([`0`, `1`], `2`) | Error |
array take_or_default(array $array, integer $count, any $default)
Takes the first $count elements from $array.
If the array is smaller, then $default will be used to pad the remaining elements.
Expression | Result |
take_or_default([`1`, `2`], `0`, `5`) | [] |
take_or_default([`1`, `2`], `1`, `5`) | [1] |
take_or_default([`1`, `2`], `2`, `5`) | [1, 2] |
take_or_default([`1`, `2`], `3`, `5`) | [1, 2, 5] |
take_or_default([`1`, `2`], `5`, 'a') | [1, 2, 'a', 'a', 'a'] |
take_or_default(`null`, `3`, `5`) | Error |
string template(string $id, string $stage, any $inputData)
Generates a base64-encoded document based on the provided DocuMotor template $id, its $stage (or null
if none), and $inputData.
This data does not have any specific restrictions to its shape: it canbe either a json_object, a simple value, or nothing at all.
datetime to_datetime(string $data, string $format, string $culture)
Converts a string to a standardized datetime object.
$format is expected as a datetime format string to use for parsing.
$culture should be a language culture name, based on ISO-639-1 (ie. ‘en-US‘, ‘es-ES‘).
Expression | Result |
to_datetime('2021-02-21 12:00:00Z', 'u', 'en-US') | 2021-02-21T12:00:00Z |
to_datetime('3 Feb, 2021', 'd MMM, yyyy', 'en-US') | 2021-02-03T00:00:00Z |
to_datetime('3 February, 2021', 'd MMMM, yyyy', 'en-US') | 2021-02-03T00:00:00Z |
to_datetime('', 'd MMMM, yyyy', 'en-US') | null |
to_datetime(`null`, 'd MMMM, yyyy', 'en-US') | null |
json_object to_dictionary(array $input, expr &key, expr &value)
Converts $array into an object. The value of each property in the object is an array with the results of $valueExpression allowing for multiple elements to have the same result in $keyExpression.
"a": [
"key": "b",
"value": 1
"key": "c",
"value": 2
to_dictionary(a, &key, &{newValue:value})
"b": [
"newValue": 1
"c": [
"newValue": 2
number to_number(string|number $data, string $culture)
Converts a string to either an integer or a double depending on the format of the string.
$culture should be a language culture name, based on ISO-639-1 (ie. ‘en-US‘, ‘es-ES‘).
If $data is already a number, the number is returned.
If $data is not a string or number, then null
is returned.
Expression | Result |
to_number('1.2', 'en-US') | 1.2 |
to_number('1.2', 'en-DK') | 12 |
to_number('1,2', 'en-US') | 12 |
to_number('1,2', 'en-DK') | 1.2 |
to_number(`1.2`, 'en-US') | 1.2 |
to_number(`1.2`, 'en-DK') | 1.2 |
to_number(`1`, 'en-US') | 1 |
to_number(`null`, 'en-US') | null |
to_number([`0`], 'en-US') | null |
string to_titlecase(string $input, string &culture)
Formats a $string into title case. The first letter of every word is made into uppercase. The function also expects a given culture for the chosen writing system.
Expression | Result |
to_titlecase('make me title', 'en-US') | 'Make Me Title' |
to_titlecase('TITLECASE', 'en-US') | 'Titlecase' |
"a": "transform to title"
to_titlecase(a, 'en-US')
"a": "Transform To Title"
string to_sentencecase(string $input)
Formats a string into sentence case ie. first letter of every sentence will be uppercase.
Expression | Result |
to_sentencecase('one sentence. two sentence') | 'One sentence. Two sentence' |
to_sentencecase('ONE TWO. THREE FOUR') | 'One two. Three four' |
string to_lower(string $input)
Formats a string into all lower case.
Expression | Result |
to_lower('ONE SENTENCE. TWO SENTENCE') | 'one sentence. two sentence' |
to_lower('oNe tWo. tHrEe FoUr') | 'one two. three four' |
string to_upper(string $input)
Formats a string into all upper case.
Expression | Result |
to_upper('one sentence. two sentence') | ' |
to_upper(' | ' |